Some Personal Capabilities

Programming Languages / Scripting Languages

C++/C, CUDA, OpenGL/GLSL, VRML, Python, Java/JavaScript, Qt, OpenSG, HTML/XML

Computer Graphic

Collision Detection, Virtual Reality, Parallel Computing, GPGPU, Clustering, 3D Modeling, ...

Operating Systems

Gentoo & Fedora, ,

Research and Development

Here I want to present my novel Collision Detection Based on Fuzzy Clustering for Deformable Objects on GPU's (CDFC) technique to perform collision queries between rigid and/or deformable models. My method can handle arbitrary deformations and even discontinuous ones. With my approach, I subdivide the scene into connected but totally independent parts by fuzzy clustering, and therefore, the algorithm is especially well-suited to GPU’s.
 Soft-Bodies are supported
 Totally GPU based
 Full C++/CUDA based
 Easy to implement (Bullet 2.78)
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