Welcome to my homepage.

My name is David Mainzer and in the following sections I give a short overview about my work, some of my interests and me.
About me and what I do

Research, Development and Lecturing.

At the moment I am a software developer at Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH and did my doctorate in computer science (computer graphics) at Clausthal University of Technology. I worked in the field of computer graphics under the supervision of Prof. Gabriel Zachmann. My research interests focused on collision detection algorithms in virtual realities, collision handling and many more. Furthermore, I’m very interested in parallel computing using graphics cards.


If you want to know more about my work please follow the link.


Here you can find a list of all my publications with links to the PDFs or the publishers' websites respectively. In addition, I refer to some of my talks.


In this section I present my lectures and courses that I gave at Clausthal and Nordhausen.

Some Tweets Twitter

2023-04-17 07:30:49 RT @alvinfoo: Keeanu Reeves He was abandoned by his father at 3 years old and grew up with 3 different stepfathers. He is dyslexic. His d…
2023-04-13 19:57:14 RT @argonerd: Leider löschte der ARD-Faktenfinder den großen "Sprengstoff in Pflanzenform"-Abschnitt seines Artikels. Damit all die Recher…
2023-04-04 20:06:46 RT @watch_union: Der Verlierer der Niedersachsenwahl, der @FDP-Spitzenkandidat Stefan #Birkner wird zum Chef der #AutobahnGmbH. Praktisch,…
2023-04-04 13:31:33 RT @heisec: Sophos Web Appliance: Kritische Sicherheitslücke erlaubt Codeschmuggel  Link #SophosWebAppliance #Sicherheits
2023-04-02 19:38:44 RT @elonmusk: Me after 1 day of not eating sugar  Link
2023-04-01 15:14:26 RT @elonmusk: Twitter recommendation source code now available to all on GitHub  Link
2023-03-28 21:09:44 RT @hardmaru: Interesting post on r/MachineLearning “OpenAI may have benchmarked GPT-4’s coding ability on it’s own training data.” https…
2023-03-11 21:28:49 Chaos auf der Schiene Die Deutsche Bahn und die Verspätungen ...  Link
2023-03-04 11:25:41 RT @ylecun: ConvNets are a decent model of how the ventral pathway of the human visual cortex works. But LLMs don't seem to be a good model…
2023-02-22 19:42:57 RT @Miahcombat_co: That's What I Do.  Link  Link

Computer Graphics


Dr. rer. nat. David Mainzer
About me and what I do